It’s also so much fun to use things that you’ve grown yourself. Radishes with butter and Maldon salt. Sandwiches topped with young lettuce and arugula you just picked. Orecchiette with fresh basil pesto. Caprese salad. My favourite mushrooms with fresh lemon thyme. And who can forget the mojitos with fresh mint.
Our hot pepper plant is producing like crazy! They are not big enough to pick yet, but soon, we will be eating everything spicy.
My thumb is not completely green though. We have one lonely tomato growing despite the multitude of flowers and seemingly thriving plants. I also have four or five nasturtiums that refuse to flower at all but just sprout giant lily pad-like leaves high into the sky.
It feels good to grow things. Knowing exactly where and how your food got to your mouth. Going back to our roots (haha) at least a tiny bit.
See the beginning. Balcony Garden: Day 0
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