
June 08, 2013

Blueberry Mojitos

I really feel like summer and warm weather will never get here this year.  I can feel myself getting whiney.  Why is it still below 20C (68F) outside?? Why is it raining all the time?  I know it’s not technically summer yet according to the calendar, but it feels like it should be here.  Oh Canada, I love so many things about you, but winter... I could do without the extra long winters.  

It’s at times like these that we need to stop, take a deep breath... and pretend it’s summer anyway!  Let’s put a skirt or a dress on (even if we have to turn on the heat to do it).  Let’s make minty, fruity, cocktails and lounge around in our skirts/dresses. 

Gin is my favourite.  Just ahead of bourbon.  But bourbon is more easily incorporated into baked goods while gin is mostly just for cocktails.  If I had to choose only two liquors for the rest of my life I would be safe with gin and bourbon.   If you asked me to pick one, I might have to distract you and take both and run away. 


Blueberries are not in season here right now... but hey, we’re pretending!  We muddle the blueberries with mint, simple syrup, and gin.  Then ice is added, and the whole things is topped with club soda or sparkling water.  Put a couple of whole blueberries on top for flair (you can never have too many pieces of flair...). 

I called this a blueberry mojito, mostly because of the mint, even though mojitos are traditionally made with rum.  We could pretend it’s rum, but why would we want to?  Gin is much better.  With this drink in hand I’m a little bit less grumpy about the weather.... A little bit.

Blueberry Mojito

Bunch of mint leaves
2 tbsp bluberries
1/2 oz. simple syrup
1 oz. gin
Club soda
Few dashes orange bitters (optional)

In a thick bottomed glass, muddle together blueberries, mint, and simple syrup until most of the blueberries are crushed.  Add gin.  Fill glass with ice and top with club soda.  Add in bitters, if using.  Give it a stir.  Add a couple of whole blueberries on top. 

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